Mental Health for All

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Regina Branch is a charitable organization that offers services and programs to help build capacity and understanding through support, awareness and education – all contributing to a healthier community.

We’re here to support your mental health

 Call 306-525-9543 or Email Us to find help

CMHA Regina Branch provides services and programs that help build individuals’ capacities, contributing to a healthier community.

CMHA Regina Branch offers programming for over 1300 members. Our members are individuals managing a life with a mental illness who often experience barriers. These barriers may include low self-esteem and confidence, social isolation, and poor access to education and employment.

What’s Happening with CMHA Regina

Colliers Cup – 50/50 Draw

In addition to the sold out Charity Street Hockey Tournament we are excited to provide an opportunity to participate in the 2024 Colliers Cup Regina 50-50 Raffle.

Colliers Cup – Charity Street Hockey Tournament

Colliers Cup Charity Street Hockey Tournament Thursday September 12, 2024

Buddy Up

CMHA Regina has signed on as a Buddy Up Champion to help spread the word that men’s suicide is preventable

Thank you to our Funders

City of Regina Logo

Support Mental Health in Regina

Your gift supports the Canadian Mental Health Association in its mission to
promote mental health and help those with mental illnesses.